Here's some random projects I've worked on, past and present.
- Our kids. Talk about the ultimate, all-consuming, wonderfully crazy hobby.
- Goofing around with computers and writing software. I've been enjoying messing around with Arduino development, and have created a whack-a-mole type game using the Arduino and an Adafruit Trellis.
- See my Photography page.
- Woodworking. There's a limit to what you can accomplish in a Philadelphia Rowhouse basement, but I get by and have fun doing it.
- Gardening, believe it or not... Though we live in the city and don't have a back yard or anything, we do have a garden plot in The Spring Gardens, a local community garden not so far from our home. Angie is definitely "management", while I am "labor" at this enterprise, but it's relaxing, rewarding and has been a great resource for finding out what's going on in our immediate community.
- Squirrels Go Like This, a blog my wife and I wrote about our current projects. Pretty out of date now, but I keep the domain registration up, anyway...
- The Wurlitzer -- AKA "Thad's Organ", this was a early 1970s vintage electronic church-style console organ. Definitely a "project" since it was broken when I first found it; I fixed it myself back in college. Here's some info and pictures of the restoration work.
- The Bass Lamp -- Once a wrecked beyond repair old double bass; now a stylish floor lamp in my home. Though others may beg to differ on the "stylish" part. Here's some info on the project.
7/25/18 © 2005-2018 Thad Jaszek